The Mystic Archetype
Hi loves,
As promised, here's a little bit about an archetype that I think can be a really supportive friend/guide as we move through February's theme of embracing divine mystery and other day to day themes around faith and living a deep life:
The Mystic Archetype 👁✨
The mystic is the dreamer, the visionary, the seeker, the wanderer.
And is of course the identity of one who moves through the realms of the mystical - the spiritual, the mysterious, the awe-inspiring, all things that are unexplainable, unanswerable.
We all have an inner mystic.
We all have a part of ourselves that is longing to explore the unknown.
To be touched by life in a new way.
A deep way.
In fairytales and ancient myths from all over the world, the forest is often where this sacred journey takes place. The forest represents the unexplored terrain of our lives and our psyches. Experiences and exploration that require a sharpening of our senses - keen listening, curious awareness.
Feeling over doing.
I love that the mystic archetype reminds us that we don't have to be afraid of mystery.
We don't have to like mystery either. It might send a chill up our spine. Or a quivering in our throat. Yet we're curious. And open.
And most importantly, we're alive. We're reawakened. We're transformed.
We know ourselves more fully and more freely.
We need the mystics.
Because they bring wonder and visions and dreams from the sacred forest back with them into our ordinary and busy (and let's be real not so awakened) world.
One foot in the forest, one foot out.
Bringing something of soul with them:
Dances of wild heartedness.
Visions of vastness and possibility.
Dreams of love and liberation.
This card is from Kim Krans's deck, The Wild Unknown Archetype.
Notice the colors that speak to you and what feelings the imagery evokes in your body.
And then I invite you to sit with or journal these questions:
✨How do I practice embodying my inner mystic?
Travel? Art? Ritual? Meditation?
✨In what ways am I being called to deepen my relationship with my inner mystic?
✨What feeds this part of me?
✨Is there an area of my life right now that could benefit from the support of my inner mystic?
PS if you need some inspiration, check out this playlist I created for you:
Thank you so much for being here, beautiful souls.
Josie 💛